November 22, 2018


My family has a tradition.

Every Thanksgiving, we go around the table before eating and share what we are thankful for. Today, the blog will be my virtual Thanksgiving table.

This year, I am thankful for Titanium Yoga.

Just two days from today, Titanium Yoga will celebrate its six-month anniversary!

I can’t believe I was able to bring my vision to life. It took the help of friends, family, contractors and designers and now strangers who have all become friends.

I am thankful I get to see my passion everyday.

Thank you to Kaylie, who sent me a random text one day saying, “You should name the studio Titanium Yoga after the hardware in your body.”

Thank you to my mom and my partner Brett for instilling in me a belief that I can do anything if I work “REALLY hard.”

And thank you to Tom and Jason of FGC for making the space more perfect than I could ever have dreamt.

Thank you to my unbreakable employees! I love that everyday we walk side-by-side creating a yoga community for those who might have never experienced the power of yoga.

Thank you for all of those who have yet to walk in the front door of Titanium Yoga but follow along with us on social media. Don’t worry, one day you will experience walking in the front door in different parts of the country!

Thank you for allowing me to create a new family in Jacksonville.

I couldn’t be more thrilled to call all of the clients and teachers of Titanium Yoga family.

In such a short time, we have laughed, cried, and shared cocktails and personal stories, and I can’t wait for what’s next.